Morgan Rudluff
Sculpting Since: 2007
Location: Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Morgan is a born an’ raised California girl. She likes beaches, flowers, avocados, fruit and bare feet. After dropping out of college in 2007, Morgan stumbled into sand sculpting (or it could be said that sand sculpting stumbled into her.) It began an immediate love affair, and though not always career-monogamous, sand sculpting has had her heart through the current day.
Like many of her incredibly talented peers, this profession has taken her around the world, in front of television cameras, and deep into the caverns of dream-like circumstance. She considers herself to be quite fortunate and rich in many ways. There have been medals won and articles written; but also many long days, many callouses, and many sunburns to float it all along!
As time permits, Morgan also pursues snow and ice sculpting, clothing and costume design/construction, creative writing, kitchen witchery, scrap paper doodling, street theater, global backpacking, martini-infused philosophizing and rocking out on her ukulele.
Notable accomplishments:
- Grand prize, 2016 doubles competition, Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival, Revere Beach, MA
- People’s Choice and Sculptors’ Choice awards, 2016 Sand Art Festival, Key West, FL
- 6 top-3 finishes in 2014 alone, including 1st place awards at Texas Sandfest, Soft Pack Championship and Sand Castle Days in Florida
- Appeared in every episode of the Travel Channel series, Sand Masters