Joris Kivits
Sculpting Since: 2006
Location: Netherlands
Photographer? Graphic designer? Art director? Illustrator? Sculptor? Like most sand sculptors, Joris is…first and foremost…an artist. Whatever the medium, whatever the project, he believes that beauty should shine through. This mentality has guided his career in movies and television, in commercials and music videos, and has carried over into his work with sand. Although Joris has only been sculpting sand since 2006, he has already had several notable achievements in competitions throughout the world. Recently, Joris has gotten involved with sculpting marble, which he admits is a very different medium: “This will be around for a while,” Joris says. “But sand is like live theater…you enjoy it while it’s happening and then it only lives in your heart and mind.”
Notable Achievements:
- Won juried and peoples choice awards in Italy, Germany and Russia
- First place doubles with Michela Ciappini, 2012 Neptune Festival, Virginia Beach
- Also competed in England, Belgium, Portugal, the World Championships in Washington (solo and doubles)
- Exhibited at the Sport/Fashion/Live-stile Event in Germany